Interactive Maps
Pine Bluff is the county seat of Jefferson County and the second oldest settlement on the Arkansas River. Located in the heart of the rich Arkansas River Basin farming area, Pine Bluff today is the trade, entertainment, recreation and health-care center for Southeast Arkansas. Plenty of exciting things are happening in Pine Bluff and Jefferson County. New industries are locating in the community, investing millions of dollars in capital investments and creating hundreds of jobs. We invite you to view our interactive maps which highlight the location advantages of the area.

Featured PropertY
44.42-acre Select Site
Located inside the Jefferson Industrial Park, the 44.42-acre site is ready for industrial development. The site has all utilites run to the property and is zoned industrial.
Featured Business
The Strong Company, Inc.
The Strong Company, Inc. completed a $2 million expansion program in 1999 with the acquisition of a 56,320 square foot building and 22 acres on Emmett Sanders Road in the Pine Bluff Port Area.
Recent News
Workforce Solutions Employer Luncheon
Join us for an exclusive luncheon designed to help Jefferson County employers solve their workforce challenges.
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Pine Bluff - Jefferson County Port Authority Receives $1M Grant from Arkansas Waterways Commission
The Pine Bluff - Jefferson County Port Authority was awarded a $1,000,000 grant from the Arkansas Waterways Commission. The Economic Development...
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Alliance Hosts AEDC Council
The Arkansas Economic Development Council held their quarterly board meeting in Jefferson County last Wednesday and Thursday. The Economic Development...
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